I got the original recipe from an impulse-buy cookbook I picked up randomly one day called Quick & Easy Thai Cuisine Lemon Grass Cookbook (from Joie, inc). I highly doubt that the recipes are 100% authentic to the very last detail, but the book gives very simple & basic instructions for making wonderful meals that are just about as good as the real thing. It serves its purpose, especially since I like to modify recipes to my taste anyways... and it has pictures not only of the finished product: it provides pictures of the ingredients AND of various steps in making the dishes. Great resource for someone who doesn't want to deal with super-complicated recipes but also wants room to be creative.
Okay... here's the recipe!
14 oz. (400g) coconut milke (I always use coconut CREAM instead..)
1c crushed canned pineapple
2T red curry paste (if you want a milder flavor, try green curry paste instead)
1/4c fish sauce
1 1/2T sugar
2T lemon juice
1/2lb (225g) shrimp, shelled and deveined*
(optional) garnish: fresh lime leaves
*I use coconut cream instead of the originally suggested coconut milk because I prefer the thick creaminess of coconut cream. The curry sauce ends up having a thick texture. Coconut milk is perfectly acceptible if cream isn't available.
**I actually used 1lb of shrimp, being the carnivore I am. ;)
The almost TOO simple directions :)
1. Combine all ingredients except shrimp and bring to a boil.
2. Add shrimp and cook until done.
Yes, that's it! All you need to do is mix it all up, boil it, add the shrimp (and cook it), and you're finished! Better yet-- don't add the shrimp... just use the sauce to coat some grilled pork chops or chicken. It tastes great all the same!
A very rough pic just for your enjoyment (the book has a way better picture with the lime leaves for a garnish and a super cool-looking pot... so you'll have to deal with what I ate):
We ate this with a very simple side cucumber & tomato salad... and used the leftover pineapple curry sauce over pork chops the next day with some stir-fry veggies on the side & rice. :)
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